Welcome to my corner of the web. I’m so glad you found your way here. If you have been following my stories for a while, I’m honoured you have continued to read along. As you can see, I’ve shifted over to a new website and I wanted to take the time to say welcome to my new space and introduce myself.
I began my dance journey in 2002 and have studied extensively in Hip Hop and street styles. Getting lost in a good beat is something that happens naturally for me (even if I’m in line at the grocery store. Ask my husband how many times I’ve embarrassed him). Dance has landed me some incredible opportunities such as performing at CFL half time shows, the 2010 Olympic Closing Ceremony, and internationally at the Macau Youth Dance Festival. I have had the privilege to learn from the pioneers of popping and locking. If you spend enough time with me, you will likely catch me moving to my internal rhythms. By nature I am a freestyler, moving to anything that compels me to move.

My experiences as an early childhood educator began in 2005. I have worked with a large range of families with diverse needs. Some areas I have supported families in are developmental delays, early childhood mental health, family trauma, and neurological differences (autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.). My roles in the early years field have ranged from working directly with children in programs, managing and coordinating programs, consulting, and offering professional development. I have always had a heart for programming and finding creative ways to support child growth and development.

Nothing contributes to my work more than my experiences as a mom. When I became a parent, my work shifted and so did my empathy and understanding for families. Noticing more and more children requiring support with social and emotional development inspired me to return to school. I am currently working towards credentials to journey alongside families as a mental health clinician. I’m excited to combine my passions of early childhood development and dance as I work towards becoming a dance/movement therapist.

This new blog space will be a blend of me sharing my learning both personally and professionally. You can expect to read about where I’m offering therapeutic dance/movement sessions, how I’m implementing the mind-body connection with my daughters, and how the body plays a role in processing emotions and life events. In the past, I have also written about questions from the community, so feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or if you just want to say hi. I’d love to hear from you.